domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2012

Street Bulldogs - Faster, Louder and Alive

01 - Mas(s)ters - 02:19
02 - Just Understand - 01:19
03 - Sheep And Sheepers - 02:29
04 - All The Things You Say - 01:30
05 - Red Rouses Bouquet - 02:41
06 - Don't You Remember? - 02:56
07 - Guilty - 01:51
08 - Call Me At Home - 02:49
09 - Living For Today - 02:06
10 - Only The Rege Survive - 01:32
11 - Remains Clear - 02:09
12 - Everynight - 02:44
13 - Less Than Your Words - 02:16
14 - We Build Our Own Way - 02;05
15 - Can't Hear You Call My Name - 02:38
16 - Disturbed - 01:58
17 - I Wolul Like To Undesrtand - 02:14
18 - Blind - 01:31
19 - Tarde Demais - 02:00
20 - Adolf - 03:09

Ruthless Pride - Demo 2008

01 - Violence - 03:09
02 - Last Judgement - 03:37
03 - I'm Not Like You - 03:43
04 - Hippies - 02:48
05 - Troublemakers - 03:41
06 - Where Can You Go? - 03:48
07 - Broken Dreams - 03:43

sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2012

Tampere SS - Sotaa

01 - Sotaa - 02:01
02 - Sunnuntai-ilta - 01:34
03 - Taisteluhymni - 02:28
04 - Loputon Marssi - 01:39
05 - Kaveleva Ruumi - 02:01
06 - Takaa Ajettu - 01:55
07 - Sekasorto - 01:52
08 - Pikku Mako - 02:50

Пурген - Бог Рабов

01 - Intro - 01:07
02 - Мясо Для Рабов - 03:13
03 - Ты В Прошлой Жизни Был Коровой - 03:50
04 - Как Прекрасен Этот Мир - 03:01
05 - Американский Глобализм - 05:06
06 - Русiя - 04:32
07 - Зло - 00:34
08 - Боги Спустились С Небес - 03:56
09 - Иерархия Богов - 02:48
10 - Мозг В Стразах - 02:12
11 - Злые Пастухи - 02:54
12 - Активная Жизнь - 02:44
13 - Трансформент - 03:10
14 - Трагедия На Авиамоторной - 05:01
15 - Все Люди - Чикатилы - 04:03
16 - Панк Эйфория - 03:13

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Pissed On Arrival - Here We Go Again

01 - Robbing Banks - 03:05
02 - Big Paychecks - 03:31
03 - American Psycho - 02:56
04 - End of Islam - 02:33
05 - Way of Life - 04:07
06 - Out of Touch - 03:00
07 - Criminal Class - 02:42
08 - No Feelings (Sex Pistols) - 02:43
09 - Fuck Communal Mentality - 03:31
10 - Never too Drunk to Riot - 01:59
11 - Flawed - 02:19
12 - Dead - 01:51
13 - Keystone - 02:05
14 - Smokin - 03:12
15 - Here we go Again - 02:05
16 - Never Surrender (Blitz) - 01:39
17 - Let Go - 03:35
18 - 4321 (The Adicts) - 02:21

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

DJ Skinhead - DJ Skinhead

01 - Extreme Terror (Terror Mix) - 04:23
02 - Remixen - 02:41
03 - Take It Outside - 03:25
04 - In The Darkness - 03:06
05 - DJ Skinhead (Mutha Fucka Mix) - 04:34
06 - Extreme Terror (The Pain Mix) - 04:49
07 - Extreme Terror (DOA Mix) - 03:38
08 - Extreme Terror (Gangsta Mix) - 03:20
09 - Strength Of Terror - 03:50
10 - Extreme Terror 111 - 03:41

Urban Scum - A Clockwork Time

01 - Scooter boys - 02:50
02 - Watch your back - 02:24
03 - 1969 - 02:06
04 - Hooligans - 02:29
05 - A clockwork time - 03:36
06 - After rebelion - 01:51
07 - Big mistake - 02:09
08 - Born and bred - 02:05
09 - Tits And Beer - 00:51

United Skin For Freedom Of Speech CD 2

Orange Blood

01 - For Freedom We Will Fight - 03:56

Wellington Arms

02 - Living In America - 01:51

Shaven Heads

03 - Shaven Heads - 02:36

Contre Courant

04 - Asocial - 02:07

Old Glory

05 - Einig Vaterland - 03:17

Ação Hostil

06 - There Are No Limits To The Glory - 03:53

Sad But True

07 - Oi! Ain't Red - 03:09


08 - Politicians - 02:23

Bunker 16

09 - Wach Auf - 04:41

Wellington Arms 

10 - Got To Believe - 02:01

Old Glory

11 - Allns For Nordernenland - 02:13

Dr. Martins

12 - Pampa Livre - 02:22

Noie Zeit

13 - Strenght Thru Oi! - 02:13

The Pridefull

14 - Oi! For Finnland - 02:04

I Don't Like You

15 - Hand In Hand - 03:25

Bronco Army

16 - Police Oppression - 02:36


17 - Hated & Proud - 02:08

Die Jungz

18 - Thuringer Jungz - 02:57

Rien Ne Vas Plus

19 - Deutscher Adler - 05:27

Uncle Trash

20 - Stranger - 03:28

Bunker 16

21 - Freundschaft Fur Ewig - 05:14

Shaven Heads 

22 - Skinheads - 02:36


23 - Sounds Of Bretten - 02:35

Bandeira de Combate

24 - Skinhead Girl (The Oppressed) - 03:15

Combate 49

25 - Somos Patriotas - 03:15

sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2012

United Skin For Freedom Of Speech CD 1

The Firm

01 -  ... The Towerblocks - 02:03


02 - S.H.A.R.P. - 02:52


03 - I Don't Like You (Skrewdriver) - 01:33

The Pride

04 - Rampage - 02:26

English Rose

05 - Judgement Day - 03:51
Short Cropped

06 - Riot  (The Oppressed) - 02:11


07 - Massenproduktion - 03:13

Crucial Change

08 - Wings Of The Raven - 02:10

Mac & Los Guaren Korps

09 - Oi! Por Chile - 03:55


10 - Free North - 03:02

Hais Et Fiers

11 - Hold Fast - 02:00

Major Disappointment

12 - One - 02:21

Orgullo Sur

13 - Chile Es Mi Pais - 03:33


14 - Antifa - 03:01

The Widowmakers

15 - Death Before Popcharts - 02:11


16 - Fan The Flames - 02:10

Les Vilains

17 - Politiquement Incorrect - 05:38

Nessuna Resa Oi!

18 - The New Meaning Of Misanthropy - 02:55

Punk Front

19 - Verkauft & Verraten - 03:12

First Strike

20 - Katyn - 03:21

Angry Bootboys

21 - Mir Scheint De Sonne Aus Dem Arsch 2010 - 04:26

Bulldog Breed

22 - Loyal To The End - 02:28

Kill Baby, Kill!

23 - Crazy Lil' Thing - 02:08

domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Tropel - Demo 2003

01 - Cidades Fantasmas - 02:27
02 - De Volta Ao Bar - 01:58
03 - Nova Guerra - 03:58
04 - Tropel Punk - 03:36
05 - Velhas Histórias - 02:25

Tropel - Pela Glória das Ruas

01 - Pela Glória Das Ruas - 03:23
02 - Lutar E Sobreviver - 03:08
03 - Em Nossas Veias Correm Ódio - 03:23
04 - Enchendo A Caveira - 03:37
05 - Declaro Guerra - 03:31
06 - Unidos & Vitoriosos - 04:02
07 - Botas da Vingança - 03:37
08 - Punhos Cerrados - 03:02
09 - Coracão de Leão - 04:26
10 - De Volta ao Bar - 01:58
11 - Cidades Fantasmas - 02:27
12 - Nova Guerra - 03:58

Fist Of Steel - Lutando Pelo Brasil

01 - Ordem & Progresso - 03:44
02 - Brazilian Pride - 02:42
03 - King Of The Kings - 04:14
04 - Brutal Attack - 02:43
05 - Bootboy Power - 04:40
06 - Reds Hunter - 02:52
07 - Rip It Up - 02:57
08 - Street Soldiers - 01:39
09 - The Future Must Be Ours - 04:55
10 - Screaming For Vengeance - 04:13
11 - Bring Back Our Land - 02:37

Stomper 98, Chromjuwelen Split

Stomper 98

01 - In Deinen Augen - 04:01
02 - Zu Jung (Um Alt Zu Sein) - 03:26


03 - Wir Haben Mehr - 02:49
04 - I Wanna Drink! - 03:48

domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2012

Fist Of Steel - Sons Of Brazil

01 - Street Soldier - 01:45
02 - Freedom Fighters - 05:46
03 - The Victory Must Be Ours - 05:02
04 - Reds Hunter - 02:58
05 - Forever Patriot - 03:15
06 - Ravens (Ultima Thule) - 03:05
07 - Ordem & Progresso - 03:50
08 - Skinhead Acima De Tudo - 02:52
09 - Ravens (Ultima Thule) - 03:05
10 - Green Fields Of France - 05:23
11 - Rip It Up - 01:29
12 - Screaming For Vengeance - 04:22
13 - Brazilian Pride - 02:48
14 - King Of Kings - 04:14

Fist Of Steel - Smash The Reds

01 - Smash The Reds - 04:16
02 - Victory Song - 04:45
03 - Red Empires Fall - 03:07
04 - King Of The Kings - 04:16
05 - Crucified For Your Sins - 03:32
06 - The Victory Must Be Ours - 04:57
07 - Commie Scum - 04:27
08 - United Skinheads - 03:40
09 - Battle Hymn - 03:58
10 - Sweden Here We Go! - 03:35

Fist Of Steel - The Power And The Glory

01 - Green Fields Of France - 05:17
02 - Screaming For Vengeance - 04:16
03 - Bootboy Power - 04:43
04 - Rip It Up - 03:00
05 - Feel The Pride - 04:19
06 - Skinheads Against The Reds - 04:21
07 - A Song For My Wife & Sons - 03:59
08 - Always Near - 04:45
09 - The Power & The Glory - 04:40
10 - The Chains Of Shame - 03:40

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2012

Barra Brava - Rompe!

01 - Ultima Esperanza - 03:36
02 - Buenos Ratos - 03:16
03 - Clase Obrera - 04:27
04 - Mierda De Ciudad - 03:22
05 - Rompe! - 04:17
06 - Sr. Cirujano - 04:31
07 - Algún Dia Regresaré - 02:59
08 - Y Tú Que Esperas - 04:40

Los Hooligans - Traditions

01 - Traditions - 02:56
02 - Lady In Red - 02:39
03 - Sonora - 03:37
04 - I Won't Go - 03:15
05 - Pecadora - 02:37
06 - Alide On - 0:59
07 - Ojos Negros - 04:58
08 - Swing Night Rudie - 02:54
09 - Stephanie - 02:37
10 - Area 51 - 03:21
11 - Till There Was You - 03:17
12 - Wrong Side Of The Tracks - 03:45

Desmond Dekker - This Is Desmond Dekkar

01 - 007 - 02:37
02 - Sabotage - 02:42
03 - Shing A Ling - 02:17
04 - Hey Grandma - 02:48
05 - Beautiful And Dangerous - 02:50
06 - Wise Man - 02:06
07 - Music Like Dirt - 02:39
08 - Rudy Got Soul - 02:49
09 - Unity - 02:17
10 - Mother Pepper - 02:14
11 - It Pays - 02:56
12 - Mothers Young Girl - 02:47

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012

Laurel Aitken - Superstar

01 - Superstar - 04:21
02 - If You Need Good Loving Tonight - 03:52
03 - Rum & Coconut Water - 04:12
04 - Something'S Gotta Be Wrong - 03:53
05 - Oooh  Baby - 02:39
06 - Dance To The Music - 02:28
07 - Gloria - 03:58
08 - People Of The World Unite - 04:33
09 - Down In Africa - 03:32
10 - Maria - 03:08
11 - Who Sey - 04:46

Laurel Aitken - Superstar

01 - Superstar - 04:21
02 - If You Need Good Loving Tonight - 03:52
03 - Rum & Coconut Water - 04:12
04 - Something'S Gotta Be Wrong - 03:53
05 - Oooh  Baby - 02:39
06 - Dance To The Music - 02:28
07 - Gloria - 03:58
08 - People Of The World Unite - 04:33
09 - Down In Africa - 03:32
10 - Maria - 03:08
11 - Who Sey - 04:46

Porcos Cegos - Heróis ou rebeldes

01 - Para incomodar - 02:19
02 - Não vou parar de lutar - 01:52
03 - Curso de liderança - 01:17
04 - Tediosa sobriedade - 01:42
05 - Plano de governo - 02:24
06 - Aos Bandeirantes - 01:45
07 - Idéias perdidas - 00:58
08 - Heróis ou rebeldes - 02:04
09 - Conquistas - 01:51
10 - Geração domesticada - 01:53
11 - Até quando - 01:36
12 - Pré-julgamento - 02:01
13 - Nada fácil - 01:25
14 - Adiada pela ressaca - 00:58
15 - Sub-gerência - 01:46
16 - País sem memória - 01:00

Sun Of A Bastard Vol. 3

Gimp Fist

01 - Here I Stand - 03:45


02 - Fuer Immer Und Die Ewigkeit - 03:52

Melanie And The Secret Army

03 - Freitag Abend - 03:07

Wiens No.1

04 - Wir Werden Uns Nicht Ändern - 02:30

Stomper 98

05 - In Der Stadt (Live) - 04:17

The Pisstons
06 - Cider - 02:09

Combat 77

07 - Unwanted Rebels - 03:07

Al & The Black Cats

08 - It's My Life - 02:03

Lost Boyz Army

09 - Eine Armee - 02:37

Mummy's Darlings

10 - 40 Years Of Burning Heart - 04:34

El Bosso Meets The Skadiolas

11 - Helden der Nacht - 03:30

Poebel & Gesocks

12 - Auf Uns Zweis (Alternative Version) - 02:51

Barroom Heroes

13 - Smile - 02:50


14 - Proud To Be Punk - 03:19


15 - Kein Gottesstaat - 03:53

Cowboy Prostitutes

16 - Up Yours - 03:35

Bad Nenndorf Boys

17 - Lass' Uns Tanzen - 03:21


18 - Vertrauter Feind - 02:26


19 - Erheb' Dein Glas - 03:16

Brigade S

20 - Punkrock Haus - 03:17


21 - Hot Shot City - 03:52


22 - Lust - 04:30

Verlorene Jungs

23 - Was Geht Ab? - 03:58

Harrington 69 - Primeiro Nocaute

01 - Firmes e Fortes (Dr. Martins & Atalayas) - 02:50
02 - Foda-se Os Anarco - 01:48
03 - Fora Racista (Osso Duro) - 02:05

Nordwind - Eure kranke Welt ist unsere Bühne

01 - Wir ziehen wieder los... - 05:00
02 - Alles oder nichts - 04:35
03 - Journalist - 04:05
04 - Sehnsucht - 04:37
05 - World Wide Web - 03:45
06 - Stirb mit mir - 07:08
07 - Irgendwann - 03:05
08 - Bonnie & Clyde - 03:48
09 - Störtebecker - 02:04
10 - Schlachtentrommel (Slime) - 03:57
11 - Wundervoll - 02:58